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Tuesday, April 27, 2021



Maybe, it's because we're at the end of the month, but I saw a lot of fluff pieces this morning.  There were oped's, personal stories, rehashes, condemnations, etc...  But no newer pieces over research or development or even funding.

My appointment went OK yesterday, nothing new to report.  It looks like the  rain  will start again soon.  The rest  of  the month looks gloomy.  It's possible we could be done with the overnights in the 40s.   That'd be great.  As it is,  it's a game of what's  going to  be on the bed tonight?  Will we need a fan?  Will I need an extra cover?  I'd like to get all my cold weather stuff washed & put away for the season.

That's all for now, take care.


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