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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Kool-Aid & Cultish...

Most get the, "Drank the kool-aid," reference.  But the sugary drink comes in many varieties.   Each filled with sweetened insanity.

I read an advice column about a woman whose son had only been out a few years.  Some people need time to wrap their heads around their kid being gay.   Recently, said child zoomed her & introduced his boyfriend & within the frame of a short video chat, he told his mother the boyfriend was HIV+.  

Of course she had questions & concerns.  When she voiced anything but utter approval, her son got angry, accusatory & threatened to never speak to her again.  She wrote a columnist to see if she was in the wrong.  Instead taking this is a chance to further gay-straight relations, the columnist sided with her son.   He was rude, accusing the woman of being homophobic, anti poz people & deserving of being abandoned.

Why would anyone bring up private health concerns during a video chat serving as an introduction?  IMO, the son was itching for a fight.  Side with me 100%  or I'll denounce you as a horrible person.    

I wasn't on this call, so I can't say if it's all accurate.  The woman could've been misrepresenting the situation.  But, the columnist should've handled this much better than he did.

This kool-aid drinking isn't limited to Gays.   Many groups today or into the, "You're either with us or against us," mentality; political groups, religions, transgender groups,  vegans, etc...  Once someone belittles, demeans, screams at you over something like this, the topic was never the problem.  These people just want a hill to die on.  They're tilting at windmills.   Best to get out of their way & hope they run off a cliff in their "holy" pursuit.

You can't  confront their feelings with facts or even your own feelings.  These people want a fight.  They want to feel part of a virtuous movement, a sacred quest.   In reality, they're just balls of indignant, malaligned anger looking to explode.  Better to practice avoidance when possible & hope they flame out.


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