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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Allergies, Storms, Stress, Oh My...

The weather, allergens & situation have taxed my resources.  For the last few days, I've woke frazzled , dehydrated & tired.  I We went out yesterday.  I didn't do much, but I was still spent.  I may be doing alright during this COVID situation, but a lot of people are almost humming with stress over the matter.  Being around some of them is very stressing.   Add to that the grey mornings, storms & pollen & you have me burned out before I even get of  bed.  I'm hating this Spring.

Found 2 articles  this morning & I'll give you some blips over them.  This piece is an update to research over the use of certain forms of women's birth control & HIV susceptibility.  The CDC now finds that it is safe to use, "Progestin-only injectable contraception, including Depo-Provera." as well as, "IUDs, including levonorgestrel-releasing and copper-bearing devices."  Both of these are reversals of previously issued statements.

Ongoing research & collected data is showing those with HIV are not more susceptible to COVID-19 than others.  This piece goes into detail over that matter.  More info on that front is always welcomed.  


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