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Thursday, November 7, 2019

US vs Gilead...

This piece details how the US government is suing Gilead over it's PrEP medications, including Truvada.  Apparently, there was some substantial monies involved from the US Department of Health & Human Services.  As well as some violations of patents owned at least in part by the department.

I'm not sure what the outcome of this might be.  It seems like more & more people are getting sick of Gilead's tactics.  I don't have any interest in PrEP, but this could be a precedent for other meds as well.   It's worth watching.

It's raining & has been for almost a day.  I'm tired of the drear.  Take care.  The van's back & so far it's still working.  It needed a new battery.  I wish they'd done that 1st time.  


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