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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Well Sh%t...

So much for January being an okay month.  OK, I counted proverbial chickens.  Last year, near this time, I was informed the Social Security would be reviewing my disability case.  I was a nervous wreck.  I didn't get an answer by May, so I called & they said I looked fine.  I finally got a letter in June confirming that.   Now, 6 later, I get a letter, I'm being reviewed again.  


My nerves went out the window.  All I had managed to hold onto this Winter evaporated.   Without SSI, I have nothing.  I'd have no $, medical, food, etc...   I manage to get a message into to them.  I wondered if I had screwed up somehow.    It took hours for the call to be returned (I consider myself lucky it was that quick).  I was informed, my 1st review was the medical part & this would be the financial.  

It sounds better than the 1st review, but still it's a review & could go badly.  I could be removed.   It bothers me they're doing this.  They know every cent I get.  There's nothing in my financial life secret from them.  It's just a republican scheme to root out people taking advantage of the system.  Like this cash is worth that effort.  It's going to cost a fortune conducting all these interviews.  The woman told me, my local office alone had over 2,000 interviews to this month alone.  So most their time will now be processing reviews.

I hate this.  This process kills me a little every time.   I think they do it, to see if you'll blink & run, financial chicken.  If I didn't have to be on SSI, I wouldn't be.  It's degrading &  limiting. This process is nerve wracking at best.

The appointment if Thursday morning.  I don't know if I'll get an answer then.  We'll see.  I won't really relax until this is over. And they tell you, "Watch your stress."  I'm watching it alright.  I'm watching it rocket into the sky.

Take care.


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