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Monday, January 7, 2019

Clearing Out..

The beginning of the year clear out is ongoing.  Started on paperwork yesterday.  Go through about half of it before the dust got to me.  The rest will be handled soon.  My eyes are still itchy.  It's amazing how much paper you accumulate.

There are always articles over how it is to live with HIV.  These days, most make living with HIV seem nearly glamorous.  This was something that happened in the 90s & a lot of people began to think that having HIV was no big deal.   

For some living with the virus is a nightmare.  For others, it's  daily burden that can take a serious toll.  Others live's may be seemingly unchanged.  But, those people are generally only dealing with the early years of being +.  Having HIV is a long game.  There's no way to tell what may happen in the future.  I can only promise you, that there's nothing fabulous about HIV.

Take care.


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