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Thursday, January 17, 2019


So far this year, we've paid all but 1 bill for January.  It should be here soon.  I got an oil change & a brake job on the van.  Started the removal of piles of unneeded paper/boxes. The plumber fixed the sink.  There's still a shortage of articles.

I saw my primary doctor yesterday.  The appointment went fine, but the situation was still iffy.  He has a new nurse.  The nurse he'd had for over a decade left with the rest of the place.   This situation may not last the year.  

I have some upcoming appointments.  In February, I have 1 for telemedicine with my HIV specialist.  Sometime in late February or early March, I need an eye exam.  There'll be dental cleaning about then as well.   

Early 2019 is underway.

Take care.


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