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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Weird Warm & A Forgotten Anniversary...

It's been weirdly warm here for a couple of days.  We hit 73 F yesterday.  It felt nice, but my head's paying for it.  The up/down temps are killing my sinuses & making my body ache.   It's supposed to drop back down to more seasonal temps.  There's still bugs & grass living & they need to be frozen.

I forgot an anniversary.  This was back in December.  Back in early December 1999, I stopped smoking.  I can't be more specific, because my memory is fuzzy around there.  That was the height of my illness.   I could barely do anything besides sit  & shiver.  I didn't plan on quitting, but I did.  It's been over 19 years.  I nearly fall over every time I see cigarette prices today.  I'd have to rob banks to pay for them now.

Nearly 2 decades without cigarettes & warm weather is the news today.  Take care.


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