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Monday, January 28, 2019

January Dud Article Zone...

January has been mostly a wasteland for articles.  There's only a few days left & I doubt it will any better.  I can't expect there to always be a plethora of pieces.  I'm only interested in HIV & articles over it that may impact myself or others in similar situations.  I'm not interested in discussing OpEd pieces, nor will I constantly rehash the same pieces.  With that said, dead zones in article-land are going to happen from time to time.  

I've got to get around.  We have to go shopping.  I need a shower before that.   I'm still recovering from the unexpected trip this weekend.  But, I'm pretty much past it.   It's been over 3 weeks since my fall & my leg is better.  January is ending as an OK month.

Take care.


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