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Saturday, November 17, 2018


Quite often, I hear people expressing concerns over having their sense of self-worth diminished by others.   Some act like, if the entire world doesn't agree with them or support whatever aspect of them, their sense of well being is under siege.   Whether this alleged assault on the victim's self is due to sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc... something remains the same.  No one has to support you or be there to keep your self-worth tip top.  That's your job, not theirs.

Yes stigma, is very real.  It's hurtful & can be harmful.   But just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't wish to associate with you, doesn't want to date you, doesn't find you sexually appealing, that doesn't mean they're attacking you. People should always have the right to associate with as they please.  It's a given, the reverse is also true.   I don't want to listen to some hyper religious, right wing, conservative rage on about how all Gay people are evil & going to hell.  Why should I have to?  I don't.  I have the right not to associate with those people.  I'm not required to be their target.  This isn't elementary & we're not playing dodgeball.

Your self-worth is just that, yours.  It's your's to cultivate, protect & explore.  No one else is required to do that for you.  Stop giving other people so much power over yourself.  You can't control others, you can only handle your own actions.   


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