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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Great, If You Get It...


There've been a lot of articles this morning discussing how Gilead is allowing for generics of it's new twice yearly HIV med & PrEP med, Lenacapavir.  This will only happen in about 120 poorer countries, leaving the rest of the world to foot the bill.   

This isn't the 1st time this has happened.  A few years back they did this to other meds.   Dropping the drugs price significantly for African countries.  What would pay for a few days of the medication in the US, would be year's worth there.   

Gilead will be asking about $42K+ for the 2 dose med in places like the US.  It has been stated in other articles this med could be made for as low $40 annually.   So, these parts of the world will get a med that most people in the US & similar countries won't be able to get for some time due to  broken healthcare systems.  

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for these people.  It just seems I'm never in the right market to get these prices.  I know these places are in horrible condition.  Still, I think some people need to look at the level of poverty & horror shows going on in their own backyards before they go touting foreign charity efforts.

Take care.


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