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Tuesday, October 24, 2023



We've had a few decent days & hope it holds.  Our indoor cat, Millie, tried to crash that this morning.  She's been running out a lot in the last month.  I'm to the point, I don't care why & over chasing her.  It's like she may well be an outdoor cat again soon.  If she does that, there will be no special runs to the vet for her.  If I knew someone that needed a barn cat, I'd take her there.  I can't & won't chase her anymore.  When she did this morning.  I yelled for a couple of times & then shut the door.  I looked back a bit later & she ran in.   I'm over this with her.   She's nearly 7 & should be over most this BS.  If she goes out, she won't last long.  She doesn't know the area & that will be that.

That's all for now.   Cat or not, I'll try to have a decent day even if it is grey outside.


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