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Monday, February 20, 2023

Still More...


Whatever reserves I have for getting through Winter's BS have been mostly depleted.  I wonder if some animals hibernate just to avoid the season's drear.  According to meteorologist, Spring begins at March,.  The Spring Equinox isn't until the March 20.  I like the weather people's day more, but I bet the other date is more accurate.  By then, the warmer weather should be more stable & the time change would've happened.  Maybe then, I won't be so drained by SAD issues.  That's a month.  It doesn't sound long, but when you're dealing with SAD, it can feel like forever.

It's shopping day.  We can't deal with mail since it's yet another mail holiday with President's Day.  There isn't much going on other than that.  I'm trying to confirm my appointment next week.  So far, I'm getting no reply.

Take care.


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