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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Post Telemedicine...


My telemedicine appointment went as expected.  We just went over labs, which were good.  I'm currently on Triumeq.  A drug in it has been related to coronary issues in some  patients.  They talked to me about switching to Dovato.   It's basically the same med minus the problematic medication.  I'll consider it.  

Starting my next appointment, I should have a permanent attending, instead of people on rotation.  It's taken them a bit to replace the last attending in this position.  When he arrives, I'll discuss the change with him.  There are reports of increased inflammation with some streamlined HIV meds.  I need to know my options & their issues better before I make a choice.  I also need to make sure my pharmacy can get the medication.

That's all for  now, take  care.


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