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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Put Off...


The weather started it's week long downgrade.  We had to have the heater on last night.   My breathing is more off than it has been the past few days due allergens.  With any luck this will be gone by next Monday.  Winter sucks!

What has really out me off are these racial disparity articles regarding HIV.  I know it's there but the articles are crap.  I saw a piece I thought I could use.  It was over how HIV+ Black men were more susceptible to cancer & had worse outcomes when diagnosed. 

It became clear,  the authors were merely reporting circumstances.  There wasn't  much in the way of actual research.  They simply took at broad numbers after the fact.  It was like most the other race/gender based articles I've read concerning HIV alleging these groups' harsher realities.  There was no support to their statements.

I believe the numbers are there.  These populations are probably having the issues reported.  But without actually researching the hows & whys of the matter, this is data interpretation, not research.  This is the beginning of the issue, not the conclusion.   If they're going to report on these disparities they need to research why the differences exist in the 1st  place.   Only then can the matter be  addressed.  This wasn't research, it was  bad reporting.


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