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Monday, May 17, 2021

Useless Articles...


I constantly come across useless articles.  This morning I read a piece supposedly over HIV & comorbidities.   Experiencing multiple ongoing health issues is a given for people with chronic illness.  This should have been an informative read.

It wasn't.  It was a waste of space blip.  A briefer version of the  article would've been.  There's HIV, it's bad.  There's comorbidities, they're  bad.  These are some possible comorbidities, um' okay.  So, HIV  & comorbidities  are bad.  That was basically it.

What bothers me more than the useless article, is  this author is probably proud of that crap.  It was worthless & undermined the seriousness of the issue.  Some people may feel an article with such little weight means while comorbidities are bad, they're not that big of a problem.  Stop putting useless articles out.


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