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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Stormy Night...


Having a slow start.  It stormed last night.  The sporadic noise kept waking me.  I didn't sleep as sound as I would've liked.   It's grey & drizzly.   There was over an inch of rain & more's on the way.  There are varying rain chances through the rest of the month.  Maybe we'll make the average  rainfall for  the month.   So far, the month's mostly just been gloomy & humid.  I'm glad the lawn got mowed yesterday or else  it might've  been JUne before  it could ever be  dry enough to handle.

We've been dealing with ick weather, fleas & pollen.  The cats have new "natural" flea collars.  We'll see if they work.  They're certainly being rough on us.  

That's all for now, take care.


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