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Thursday, May 6, 2021



Indiana is about to take a giant step backwards.  In 2015, Scott County became the epicenter of a massive HIV outbreak due to IV drug use.  In conservative  fashion, then governor Pence opted to shame, ridicule & accuse, but little else.  Eventually, the county started a syringe exchange campaign.  It not only helped get  their HIV cases  under  control, but became  a role model for other  such programs.

In 2021,  the same conservative mentality wants to all but curtail the program.  Even though the baseline issues haven't changed. It this happens, it is not only likely, but anticipated, another surge  in HIV cases will follow.

This isn't just stupid, it shows how horrible these people are.  May every conservative opposing programs like these be treated with the same kindness & mercy.  Republicans want to save  fetuses, but  murder everyone else or least watch then suffer.  This group is nothing but a collection of monsters who delight in the misery of others.


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