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Sunday, March 14, 2021

A Few Things...


I didn't feel well yesterday.  I woke up dehydrated & never really got over it.  I went to bed early for me.  At least that  gave me a bit of a boost for this morning.  The time changed last night & we sprang forward an hour.   That'll mean more afternoon light.

I meant to write about having COVID arm.  It seems the vaccine, mostly Moderna, is giving people a rash or redness about a week after the shot.   The bumpy rash lasted about a day.  It's still pinkish around the site.   The skin feels a little thick.  If that's the worse I get from it, I can handle that.

Stimulus checks are rolling out.  Some people have already got them.  Even if the money doesn't solve every issue, it at least lets people know that some do care about what they're going through.  Here's hoping COVID ends soon.

Take care.


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