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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Overcast & Dogs...


Made it through another 9/11 without too much of the typical yick.  Come on,  that was nearly 2 decades ago & we're in the middle of a pandemic.  We have other things to worry about.  Funny how Oklahomans moved on from their bombing attack, but 9/11 is treated like it happened yesterday.  

I woke to grey skies, demanding cats & barking dogs.  The canines aren't ours & shouldn't be in the yard.   I  hate people who won't take care of their pets.  They're generally pretty useless & don't deal well with anything in their lives. 

I'm happy there wasn't another Windows update this morning.  Yesterday's was horrible & locked up my system for over 45 minutes.  Other than that, it was a fairly good day.

Take care.


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