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Saturday, September 19, 2020

Hopefully Quiet Nothing Day...


We haven't been doing much.  But, there's been a lot going on around us.  Besides COVID issues & horrible ragweed levels, there's also just normal life crap.  The prior 2 of those are compounding the everyday junk.  Turning them from tiny irritants into major sources of aggravation.  

Everyday, our neighborhood has a contest.  Who can be the loudest.  Who can mow, power tool, scream, have a fit... the loudest.  Why stop at 11, I'm sure there's a 12 by now.  Even the dogs, trains & various levels of livestock get into the act.   Chickens, mules & goats can be amazingly loud. Yes, all that's in town.

A couple of those things, even with COVID & allergies, is tolerable.  But when they all ramp up & we have to handle things. they can get to be a lot.  Some days, too much, too the point of wanting to murder someone or something.  

So yes, I'd like a quiet, do nothing day.  Take care.


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