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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Hellos & Birthdays...


Hello September, I hope you turn out to be a good month.  So far you've started by dumping inches of rain on the area.  I know we need rain, but a little moderation would be nice.  What I would like from you is less drama & more sunlight.  Those would be great.

It's my birthday & 53 has left the building.  I'm a full year older.  I'd like to make through this year without any major health issues like the last 2 years.  My birthday wishes are for less stress, illness & drama.  With more laughter, sunshine & prosperity. A happy birthday to fellow 1st-ers & a very happy unbirthday to everyone else.

We went out for my birthday dinner yesterday, to a Mexican restaurant in Fort Smith, called Zapata's.   It was very good & the best thing about it was it wasn't like everything else in the area.  That was refreshing.  I'm glad we went yesterday.  I'm not sure we could've  today.  There's already flooding in some areas.  It was a very good meal.

Take care.


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