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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ownership & Labs...

I got labs drawn yesterday.  The 2 basic tests (CBC & CMP) came in mostly within normal ranges.  The 2 HIV specific tests will take longer.  My telemedicine appointment is in 2 weeks.  

The weather's still unpleasant, but we didn't get any  snow.  We didn't need icy roads & downed power lines.   Then again, no one ever does.

This piece goes into an ongoing battle between the US government & Gilead over who actually owns the data that led to the development of PrEP drugs.  Much of the research was backed with tax-payer money.   HIV activists have pushed for the company to lose it's patent.   

Gilead resists & raises the costs of Truvada annually.  Initially, the drug cost under $700 a month, now as high as $2,000.   If Gilead loses, the outcome could be interesting.  How will the drug be handled?  Does Gilead already have something ready to replace a lost patent?  How will other drug companies react?  This will be worth watching.


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