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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

More Grey & An Article...

This morning is dismal.   It's still raining & grey.  This crap is the forecast for the month.  There's been about an inch of rain in the last 24 hours.  

There are articles about about a failed vaccine trial.  None were that informative.  This piece, talks about the rising price of HIV regimens.  From 2012 - 2018, the cost  rose on average 6% a year.  

Costs always impact adherence & not just with HIV.   During those 6 years the costs have risen between 35 - 53%.  That's 3 - 6 times faster than inflation. These costs are falling onto the patients.     

The rising cost & shrinking availability for assistance will only be detrimental in the fight against HIV.    Remember, this is just the HIV meds.  Many HIV+ people have health issues other than HIV, high blood pressure, cholesterol, cardio issues, etc...

Sorry, no good news today.  


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