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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Thanks For Nothing...

I'm not a fan of using overtly political sites.  For this, I will.  The 1st article on Vox & the 2nd Washington Examiner.  The Vox article says requiring people who knowingly have HIV to disclose that to potential sex partners is too difficult & damaging.  They feel it only adds to the stigma of being +.  The 2nd piece is opposed & states some 2020 Presidential campaigners as supporting the repeal of such laws.  Pete Buttigieg & Cory Booker have supported the idea of undoing such "hardships."

Giving someone else the option to refuse sex with you because you have a STD, may not be pleasant, but it's the ethical & should remain legal thing to do.  If you have so little respect for your partner, then walk on by.  Having sex with someone while withholding such information, is deceptive.  IMO, it's a violation & should be treated as such.   

The repeal of such laws wouldn't support honest, caring people.  It would only aid callous cowards willing to potentially expose others to HIV.  These aren't noble people experiencing a hardship.  They're barely a step above zombies.   They want sex instead of brains.  Maybe if they used their brains, they'd see how harmful they're being.  It's doubtful, but it could happen.


PS - I'll never vote for anyone supporting these repeals.

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