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Sunday, October 6, 2019

So Far Nothing...

This morning has been fine, but I'm starting to have issues waking.   When I see the sunrise & sunset times recede into the dark, I get more anxious.  In a month, the time will change for DST & I'll lose an hour of light during the day.  The forecast shows rain & then a temperature drop.  I hate how our seasons works now.  We don't have a Spring or Fall, just a short wet period & then abrupt change.  It's hard for me to handle.

There's no good news about my brother.  It doesn't sound like there will be a good outcome.  The medical staff is surprised he's still alive.  

I'm very spent & trying to recollect myself.  I feel like pieces of me have been thrown about.  I could get better if everything would calm down for a bit.  There's no sign of that happening.  I'm tired of this marathon.


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