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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Samhain...

October is winding down.  We' actually had to turn on the heaters last night.  I'm not happy about that, but it got under freezing.   Not quite 3 weeks ago, it was 90 F & sunny.  Yesterday,  it was cold, dreary & raining.    I hate our lack of seasons.  I want an autumn that actually does what it should do, transition from hot to cold, not just nosedive into it.

I'm glad this month is ending.  It's been rough,  I have to get started on a new dental crown today.  Everything is acting weird or needing fixed.   There's been too much stress this month.

Goodbye October, you were not my friend.


PS - Happy Halloween & may the Great Pumpkin look kindly upon you as he flies overhead...

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