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Sunday, September 18, 2016

UK Choices,,,

During the last few months I've made some posts over the UK's NHS possibly being required to provide PrEP.   The NHS has said providing this medication will cut into their funds to treat people who are actually ill.  This snippet of an  article is just 1 of those around about how the NHS is cutting services to sick & dying people, so people who are too lazy to use condoms can have their PrEP.  

People with with medical issues in the here & now are going to lose treatment due to an avoidance tactic.   I wish seriously bad things on the people who pushed for PrEP to the point others will lose potentially life saving treatments.  The people who pushed PReP to this extent are selfish & indulgent.  They're being propelled forward by Gilead, so the pharm corp can line it's coffers even deeper.  There is nothing good to say on this matter.


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