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Friday, September 9, 2016

Oh Industry...

Among the problems in this world is Industry.  Yes, I capitalized it.  Industry isn't just an economic thing or a sphere of employment & production.  It's a mode of being & for many the only 1 worth talking about.  Can we industrialize this thing?  Can it make us money?  Will it make us richer?   Will we be able to buy another diamond studded, toilet brush to replace the others?

This is 1 of the biggest problems with HIV.  Everyone has their hand out for their share of the pie.  There are direct medical supplies like tests, equipment & meds.   There are also all the other things; research papers, HIV/AIDS merchandise, magazines, films, care packets, blankets, clothing, etc... 

Sure, I write a blog about my life with HIV.  But, I'm not profiting from it.   Many have advanced their careers, reputations, even stations in life on the backs of those with HIV.  35 years later we have some meds, better lifespans & PrEP.  But, will we ever really get a cure or a vaccine?  

Not likely.  HIV is a difficult puzzle to solve.  But even more so, HIV is just to valuable for industry to give up.  Curing HIV is about as close as curing diabetes.


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