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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Rush Job...

Let's start with, I'm not an Arquette fan, any of them.    That's not a statement against them as people or actors.  I'm just not typically fond of their work.   Especially Alexis', it just wasn't what I like.  Now, that's out of the way.

Alexis Arquette has passed.  The media has swarmed in on this trans actor's death.  I don't typically use the word actress, so I won't now.  The media is gushing over how she absolutely passed from AIDS-related complications.   To the best of my knowledge, no official word has been made on the issue.   It won't matter, the vultures have seized on their tidbit & they're never letting go.  Even if they are wrong.

Was Alexis +?  I don't know.  What I know is a person died & all the media can do is wallow in the mess like dogs in crap.   Even allegedly reputable cites are talking about her death with certainty.  Without an M.E.'s report, I don't see how that's possible.

Even with a death, people love to revel in exploitation.  They're thrilled to point out the stigma.  For most it's just another horrible car wreck on the roadside they can't stop staring at. Nasty vermin.


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