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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Brighter & A Couple...


It's brighter this morning & supposed to be a little warmer .  The days are getting longer again, yay!  I'll post about a couple of articles today.

The 1st piece, is about how the HIV virus invades cells.  If you're interested in the more technical aspects of the virus, read this.  It's a little bit of a read, but the info is easy to understand.

The 2nd piece, is an example of over a dozen pieces I've seen on this man dying after a couple months in a local jail.  While there, this HIV+ man was denied access to his meds & contracted an illness in the facility.  The illness was dangerous enough to a healthy person.  It was deadly to an HIV+ man deprived of his medications.  His family is suing.  It's not the 1st case like this or at this facility.

Give those a read & that's all I have for today.  Take care.


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