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Thursday, October 19, 2023



Today would've been a week of good days, but we couldn't have that.   My appointment went alright for me, but it was a bit tiring.  The changing light, allergies & smoke, near endless stresers all make for an exhausting day when you add appointments in on top of it all.  

We got home & things were going well.  Right before going to bed, the kitchen light switch broke & wouldn't turn off.  I had a exhausted melt down.  I'm sick of everything crapping out right before I'm going to bed or on the weekend.  I can't get anything done over the weekend.  These hype me up right before bed & it makes sleep very difficult.

We made some plans.  We watched a couple of videos & changing the switch seemed simple enough.  We'd get the parts & if we couldn't handle it ourselves we'd call an handyman or electrician.  I got up earlier than usual & went to get what we needed.  It was annoying but not difficult.  The light's fixed for now.  Hopefully,  the fix doesn't burn us down in the middle of the night.

It's a reset.  If you just count since I've been awake, this hasn't been a bad day so far.  It was annoying & there was another trip to Walmart.  But nothing too aggravating, yet.  Maybe we can actually make it a week this time.


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