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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Goodbye Netflix...

We watched out last DVD from Netflix tonight, Cocaine Bear. I've been a member for 20+ years .   Those little red envelopes saw me through a lot.  There was also a little joy seeing the next one in the mail.  I looked at the DVD listings daily to see what to add to my queue. 

For 20+ years there was a relationship & ritual with these DVD's & Netflix.  Unfortunately now that's gone.  Just another thing that will no longer bring a smile or moment of happiness. 

I'm sure they had their reasons for ending this service, but it doesn't matter.  This decision ended a 20+ year rapport.  That's hard to let go of easily.  But on Monday, I'll mail my last red envelope back to Netflix & then it'll be over.

I'll being ending my membership with Netflix as soon as the last DVD's returned.  It was a lot of fun, there were a lot memories &  some struggles were made easier with these DVD's.  Now all that & my time with Netflix whas come to an end.  To paraphrase, "Now you're just some company that I used to love."

Those DVD's helped me through some of my roughest, early years with HIV.  There was the adjustment to the situation.  The crappy decisions of doctors & previous roommates only making things worse.  But for a bit these discs could distract me.  Those red envelopes were just as medicinal for me as my HIV meds.   Now, they're gone.  So much as what helped through those early times has vanished & that hurts.  Enjoy things while you have them.  You really never know when they'll be gone.

Too bad it had to end.


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