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Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Lasts...


It's the beginning of the lasts for June.  This is the last Saturday, by next week, it'll be July.  The 1st half of 2023 is wrapping up.  It's not been the worst year, but it hasn't been the nicest either.   It hasn't been easy on me.  It's Summer & I'm still waiting on some consistently sunny mornings.   It's getting hot, but it's hazy days.   That's not helping.  It just holds in the heat & humidity. 

We've faced a lot of challenges in the 2020s; weather issues, disease, social unrest, judicial failures, horrible politics, disturbed masses, gun violence & even crappy entertainment.  The real problem is that we didn't overcome these things.  No, a lot of people wallowed in them.  So far, the 2020s aren't just a disappointment, they're an embarrassing failure.  

The 4th of July is less than 2 weeks away.  What will people actually be celebrating?   From what I can see, it's mostly hate, hot dogs & intolerance accented with percussive pyrotechnics.  Hopefully, I'm wrong.


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