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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Marker Events...


Today was a 1st marker event day.  There were 2 of them.  The 1st happened as I opened the back door this morning.  I saw a little figure darting around the Rose of Sharon blooms.   The 1st Hummer of the year has arrived.  It looked decent sized, but not quite adult.  That's a very good way to start the morning.

The to bring it all down, I check Netflix to see if the DVD I sent off had registered.   It hadn't yet, it might not until tomorrow.  It was sent off in the later mail.  I noticed there was an extra movie in my queue.  When I looked, it was a dvd that had been on my Saved list.   Then I saw it, my Saved list was at 0.  

It hasn't been at zero in over 20 years.  My queue was at 50 & hasn't seen a number that low in about 2 decades.  This service that got me through so much, it's really going away.  I will miss the little red envelopes, the movies only available on dvd & the routine.  There's another thing gone, another tradition swept away & I'm told how surprised people are that I still used it.

I hate this.  When the dvd's are over, so is my time with Netflix.  They've taken a bit from my small pool of joy.  I can't forgive them for that.  I know it wasn't personal on their part.  But, it most certainly was on mine.  If this is to be the way of company that brought tiny moments of escape, then I wish for them nothing.  Nothing is what they deserve; not good, not bad, just nothing.  Maybe with that, it's all Netflix will be, nothing.

Thank you little hummer for the joy you brought me.  To Netflix, the thief that stole from my resources to make it through, kindly F' Off!  There always has to be a Bruce.


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