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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Just More Stupid...


Since the mid 2010's, there's been news & I've blogged about how economic upheaval, homelessness & IV drug use has caused upticks & outbreaks of HIV in states like Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky & West Virginia.  The biggest problem here is that these states are mostly very conservative. 

They have fought nearly every program to aid with the baseline issues leading to these matters.  But any attempts to assist in jobs, medicaid, housing & especially drug matters have hit brick walls.  This article talks about West Virginia's latest decision to block a clean needle program, even though it was suggested by the CDC.

This is just another example of the stupidity conservatives employ when dealing with people. Somewhere between ⅔ - ¾ of new HIV transmissions in the area for the last few years has been through IV drug usage.  Meaning these transmissions were due to dirty/used needles.  Even with the most basic logic, the people of West Virginia can't get behind a needle programs.  

Just more stupid.


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