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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

12 & 23...


It's my blog's 12th anniversary.  I've not stuck with much of anything this long.  This blog is a history of my life, much of it dealing with HIV.  It's old enough to be in 7th grade.  I'd like a good year.  January & I don't have a great relationship.  I'm either sick, recovering or someone's passed.  2022 wasn't easy on me.  The last several years have been fairly awful.  Let's see if 2023 can do any better.  The bar's really low.  Here's to another year.

This is my 23st HIV Day.  On January 3, 2000, I was diagnosed, so my HIV status is actually older.  It'd be nice to think this virus could vanish as people like me  get older.  I don't think that will happen, but it'd be  something if HIV was just a bad memory.  Here's to the upcoming year, cheers & hoorah!  Raise a glass!

Thanks for reading.  Take care & be kind.  


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