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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Slight Change Of Issue...


The issues continue.  The gas company is still doing things outside.  We're watching to make sure they don't mess up our lines.   There's a sewer line where they want to dig.  It's old & prone to break.  We don't have the funds to fix it.  The people doing the work are contractors hired by the gas company.  If something goes wrong, the contractors & gas company will point fingers at each other.  We'd probably have to pay for the fix ourselves.  Not to mention be without water for who knows how long.

We were supposed to take the van into the shop today.  They called last night & had to reschedule.  The mechanic who was going to do the work won't be in until next week.  So now the fix begins a week later.  

Everything keeps getting drug out.   When something does finally wind up, there's whole damn Pez dispenser of issues waiting to replace them.   This is exhausting & frustrating.  Add to all of this, it's a holiday week & that screws up everything even more.


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