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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Yesterday Ugh...


Yesterday was stressful & exhausting.   It started out cold.   A few days before it hit 93 & the night before it dropped downed into the low 20s.  That's a 70 degree drop.  That was rough.  Allergy issues are still holding on & the light is changing.  The yard still isn't finished yet.  

Add to that on top of regular Wednesday errands, we needed to get flu shots.  The van decided not to start.  Apparently the battery needs more drive time.  It was fixable, but stressful.  It took time, a call to AAA & a trip to the mechanics.   None of that was needed.   To end things, our food order was massively screwed up when we got home from all of that.  Because, of course it was.

I'm tired  & we're having people over.  I didn't have had a bad reaction from the Flu shot this year.  Yay! 1 good thing.  That's all for now.  Take care.


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