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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Serious Yuck...


I hope today goes better.  Yesterday was not fun.   The reactions to this booster haven't been easy.  Other than nausea,  it's been like having the flu.  Pain, chills, & fever topped the list.  I wasn't able to eat much & even drinking was an effort.  There was this weird disjointedness to it as well.  When I'd reach for something, I felt like I was either over or under shooting for what I wanted.  My steering was loose & off. 

I went to bed early & managed over 8 hours.  I can  only do that when I'm sick.  I woke up sweaty & feverish.  When I had to go to the bathroom, I  smelled like a sick person.  I hate the smell of being sick.

Here's hoping today goes better & these symptoms start to fade soon.  I really don't want another sick day.  This sucks


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