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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Iffy Articles...


I found 2 lines of thought in the articles this morning that could've proved interesting, they didn't.  The 1st group's titles inferred AIDS or undertreated HIV could stifle COVID.  What they sort of said was that immunocompromised people could harbor the COVID virus longer & possibly allow it to mutate.  Then they went on to say there was a need to study these regions to better understand the development of COVID variants.  There was a lot of blather, but little info.

The 2nd group's main push seemed to be the CDC was going to push an aggressive, new strategy to get HIV better under control in the US.  Sounds great.  What's their plan?  They want doctors to talk to everyone who is sexually active about PrEP.  A lot of people never go to a doctor.  I've never had a doctor ask me if I was active, even though I'm HIV+.  How are all these meds getting paid for?    Who is this better for;  the people who might get HIV or the companies making PrEP?

Like I said, iffy articles.  Take care.


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