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Monday, November 1, 2021

November Breaking...


It's November.  2 more more months of this 2021 mess.  October was not a good month for me.  I've hit SAD early.  I might have moved out of it but things kept piling on.  Things to do & fix keep piling up.  Everything seems to be breaking.  I'm floundering & I know there's not a lot much more I can handle.  It takes a lot for me to leave my room in the morning.   Everything & everyone is going to have to handle their own crap, I can't for a while.  Maybe if things back off for a bit, I can pull myself back together.  If not I'm just going to stay in my room & scream at everything.

Goodbye October, you sucked.  Hello November, I'd  love  it if your were better.  I doubt that will happen, but it'd be nice.  For now, the part of me that holds it together & does things is closed for business & I'm not sure for how long.

I hope everyone else had a better October & will have a good November.  Take  care.


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