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Friday, November 12, 2021

Insensitive Maybe...


Some may find me insensitive on this matter, but here we go.  I live in a rural area.  Until telemedicine came along, I had to drive over 120 miles to get to the nearest place that handled HIV.  There weren't & still aren't support groups/agencies in my area.  There is no special support for HIV here.  Yet, I got to my doctors, labs & took my meds.   It took a lot of effort on my part & friends, but it happened. 

I can understand when they say people in less developed  areas have a hard time getting treatment. There's the logistics, monies & other issues of the area to consider.  But here, in the US, especially in urban areas, there are options.

So, why is it I often read about Black & Hispanic populations being so behind in treatment?  It's most  often worse with males.  Still, many of them are  urban & should  have access.  They're just not taking  the help being offered.   That's not a medical issue, it's  a cultural problem.  That's something for a social  worker or someone else, not a doctor.  If someone doesn't want help, fine, but stop being a spreader. 

It doesn't matter what your gender, sex,  race, etc.. is.  If you are an adult, it's on you to make sure you get what you need to stay healthy.  If you let stigma impede your treatment, that's not on doctors or clinics.   Make a choice, you can be someone who's accepted & dying or you can live.


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