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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Anniversaries & Hard Wakes...


Albeit, we now know HIV has been around longer,  this month marks the recognized 40th anniversary of HIV.   This piece & others discuss it.  Some of  those articles are objective, many aren't.  I'd suggest reading them.  The problem is, parts of society act like HIV has been beaten & we can move with our lives.  This virus hasn't been beat, we haven't  won.  Researchers found vaccines for COVID in months.  They've been working on a HIV vaccine for decades.  This virus is much more complex.  There is always the possibility HIV could mutate again & leave all currents meds/therapies would be useless.  Then we'd be back to just "safer" sex & condoms.

June is  still being a dismal  beast.  It's like  trying to hug a dirty, wet mop.  This has not been a good Spring for me. It has been a very hard season, much worse than Winter was this year.  Maybe things will pick up sometime soon.


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