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Friday, April 9, 2021

No Vacuums...


Nothing exists  in a vacuum.  Some  people  wonder how researchers came up with a vaccine for  COVID  so quickly.  The  answer, it wasn't  done quickly.  It  was  based  off of  decades of  research in  virology, immunology & successful vaccination approaches.  

A lot  of previous research into a  vaccine for HIV  was  applied to COVID.  According to  this  piece, now the reverse maybe true.  Moderna jumped off of previous vaccine research,  including HIV.  Now that same approach is being applied  to HIV.

The article is by no means complete, but  it's an interesting start.  Point A  may have led to Point B.  That doesn't mean B doesn't have  something to offer & strengthen A's stance.  Which in turn might bolster B or lead to  Point C.  That's research.  The methods may be exacting & precise, but  sometimes the outcomes are anything but.

It's a good  read.  Take care.


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