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Monday, March 8, 2021

Confused Convo...


Someone asked for my opinion of a singer yesterday.  I didn't know much about the person or their work.  They told be some alleged info about the performer & I told them I didn't know anything about it.  This morning, she informed me this morning she had gotten the name wrong.  Didn't help  me out any, I still didn't  know the artist in question.

I asked my roomie about it.  I had the wrong info about an artist.   I should've Googled it 1st,  but it wasn't important to me.   In a limited chain of conversations, I conveyed inaccurate information about this singer.  If this can happen with something as mundane as rumors about a singer, what about more serious things?  This is where communication breaks down, rumors get started & conspiracies develop.  

The info I was given was about the wrong person.  It was only "talk" about the actual singer.  None of it may have been accurate at all.  Still, it travelled to & from me & I became a chain in this misinformation.  It was that easy.  Be careful with your "facts." Not only can they be wrong, they could be about some entirely different person, thing or situation.


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