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Sunday, June 14, 2020



This COVID crap should be mostly over.  We had our numbers way down.   The beginning of May was looking positive.  Then the idiots happened.   The started going out in droves.  The numbers jumped up to over a 100 a day. 

Then the protests came.   In 2 days, there have been 450 new cases in my state, not counting Arkansas,  20 miles away.   These people couldn't be safe or smart.  They drove the cases higher.  I wouldn't care if every protestor & idiot got COVID.  I care about who they're spreading it to that had nothing to do with their actions.   Protesting during a health crisis was STUPID!

I don't know when this will end.  I wish nothing good for those that started & ramped up this protest.  They stomped out there with no masks or safe distancing.  Let the chips fall.

Rant over.


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