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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Dump The Orange Menace...

I try not to get too political here.  However,  here we go.  Dump that asshat that got elected president.   He needs to go.

During the 1st of the year,  there were environmental protests.  He did nothing.  Then COVID started & has only worsened the matter with every step he's taken.  Then there were the anti-mask/distance people.  Now, we have more protests.  

COVID numbers were down.   Then protests kicked in & for the last several days our average new cases was over 200.  Oklahoma was under 700 active cases, now we have a 1,000 more.  Protesters & idiots spiked our numbers.

Any other president, even W., could've curbed these matters.  But, not this jackass, he fans the flames.   He's said if we stop testing, COVID numbers will go down.  He's certain a vaccine will be available soon.  He praised scientist for a non-existent n HIV vaccine.   Now he's planning a rally in my state that will only increase tensions & increase our COVID cases. This man is a dangerous buffoon.   Treat his presidency like a rabid dog & put it down. 

Summary... Stopping testing will not end COVID.  There might be a vaccine developed someday.  There is currently no vaccine for HIV.   Trump is an idiot, liar & is probably senile.  It's time for him to leave the building.


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