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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Chilly Ending...

It didn't get down to freezing like forecasted, but it was cold enough to leave the heater on overnight.  It'd been a bit since we had the heater on overnight & it really dried things out.  I woke to quite a nosebleed.  At least it's a sunny morning.

This is the last day of March 2018.  It can be over with now.  It brought a fair amount of agita.  I'm ready for some still time.  Unfortunately some of March's irritation will linger into the beginning of April.  Hopefully, we'll have the benefits review handled soon.

That's all for now.  Goodbye March.


Saturday, March 30, 2019

Chilly Weekend...

This weekend is going to be cold.  We may have to leave the taps dripping overnight.  I was hoping we were past this for the year.  The dismal, overcast skies have left me exhausted. I ready for some brighter days. Between allergies & drear, I'm just spent.  More tomorrow.


Friday, March 29, 2019

Last March Weekend....

The last month of Winter & beginning of Spring wasn't a pleasant month.  It tedious & stressful.  Worse, it's not over yet.  I'll still have some of it's business lagging into April & this weekend is supposed to be near freezing.  What a way to wrap up March.  

March, you've no longer welcome, go away.  Hopefully, April will be less trying & irritating. BTW, all you trees, can keep your pollen to yourselves.


Thursday, March 28, 2019


I have to go shopping, so this will be brief.  I've post about HIV+ people receiving donated organs from HIV+ people.   But until now, the donated organs had originated from deceased individuals.   This article talks about the 1st living to living donation of a kidney from a HIV+ donor to a HIV+ recipient.  I'll leave it at that.  Read the article, this is big news.


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Last Wednesday...

It would be nice to wrap up the month on a warm note.  But March wants us to remember it started out cold.  It's supposed to dip down 20 degrees this weekend & have overnights in the 30s.  I thought we were pass this crap.  

Not much going on here this morning.  So that's about it for now.  Take care.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Yet Again...

The info in this piece has been posted in a few places.  It's about another dentist office failing to follow sanitation protocol & potentially have exposing patients to HIV & other illnesses since 2017.   There were 3 offices of the same dental company closed in Philadelphia due to this.  It would seem to be systemic to the company.  Information on this is limited.  It wasn't clear if there were any infections.  Hopefully not.

Take care.


Monday, March 25, 2019


We had a hail storm last night.  I was pretty intense for a bit.  It was just another thing that wore me out & I went to bed early.   I still have very little endurance.   I'm still stiff & awkward.  I"m not sure if I'll ever be like I was before.  But, it's not even 2 months out.  I'll guess & I"ll just have to wait & see.

I need to get around & go shopping.  Take care.


Sunday, March 24, 2019

End Of the Month Ick...

March is winding down.  I was hoping to get through it without anymore agita.  No such luck.  My local Social Services has decided it need s to renew all my benefits now.   I have all the stuff, but damn, couldn't this have been on April's plate.  It's a stupid process anyway.  They already have all the info, they're going to ask for.  Nothing's changed.

On top of that, it looks like the clouds are here to stay for the rest of the month.  I'm already feeling it.  I hope we get some sunlight in here somewhere.   I hate drear.  

So far 2019 has been no picnic.


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Rural Issues...

This article was originally from KSMU, a Missouri State University radio station.  It's in Springfield, MO, which is very close to Branson.  This is the Ozarks.   This piece is about the difficulties of having HIV in rural Missouri.   It's about how tying it is to treat the virus or even rise awareness HIV is a problem for these people.  They've felt removed from so long, many don't really see HIV as being a possibility for them.   There are some serious downsides to living in rural areas.  Access to medical treatment & awareness is a notable example.


Friday, March 22, 2019

Bright Days...

During the Summer, I may complain about the heat, but I try not to complain about the light.  Having bright light flooding in my windows makes my days so much easier.  Everything, from how I wake in the morning to how I do all day, is impacted by levels of sunlight.

Not much in the way of articles this morning.  A man in Australia became what they claim to be 7th to contract HIV while on PrEP.  I still doubt those numbers.  

We have to go shopping in a bit.  It's been an odd week.  I'm glad it's coming to a close with something more routine like getting groceries.  I'm expecting meds later.  

That's all for now.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

OMG Spent...

Yesterday wore me out.  I get up early for my appointment with my primary care.  Then they bumped up my MRI. It wasn't hard, but staying still for 75+ minutes left me very stiff & sore.   I'm still tired this morning.  This may take a bit for me to recover.  I saw the results this morning.  Nothing looks different as far as I can tell.  Normal was the word at the end of each section.  However,  they could still detect my malformation.  

That's about it for now.  More as I know it.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Appointments, Articles & Updates....

I'm up hella early for me & my brain is only somewhat functional.   I have an doctor's appointment.  I hate going SO early, but it means less waiting when I get there.  I'll post about that appointment tomorrow.

I actually saw 2 articles this morning, wow.  The 1st piece was about monthly injections to replace daily regimens.  I've posted about this before, but those articles were in scholarly publications.   This actually made it into Rolling Stone.  The topic's going mainstream.

The 2nd piece, reiterates the importance of testing.  It's currently believed about 15% of people living with HIV in the United States are unaware they're +.  It's also thought, this population may be responsible for up to 40% of all new HIV transmissions in the US.  Get tested.

On to updates.  The car is home & seems to be working.  The freezer seems to be working.   We seem to have a plan for getting the lawn mowed this Summer.  There's an awful lot of seeming in that mess.  Hopefully, they hold true.  It'd certainly cut down on my stress if they did.

That's it for now, take care.


PS - Happy Spring

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Here & There...

Wasn't much in the way of articles this morning.  The sun is shining at least & it's a little warmer.  That's very appreciated. 

The car is home.  For now, the freezer seems to be working.  The issue we're trying to resolve now, is to find out if we have someone to mow for the season.  There never seems to be a shortage of things to cause stress.  

I'm trying to not stress out.   But things keep building up.  My meds were supposed to be here tomorrow, but apparently their system let me order too early & they'll be here Friday instead.   I have a doctor appointment early tomorrow.  

That's all for now, take care.


Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday In March...

March is being fairly stressful.  We're supposed to get the repairs on the car finished today.  Maybe, hopefully.   But, it'll still cost a lot.    I have an appointment on Wednesday to try to figure out a plan for my health issues.  Then, of course, the freezer may or may not need repairs.  I still can't tell.  If my luck holds, it will.   I didn't need this stress & I'm tired.   I need some resolution & to get somethings off my plate.

Sorry this post isn't much about HIV, but the blog's also about my life.  At the moment, my life is a bit bumpy.

Take care.


Sunday, March 17, 2019

More Stress...

I"m stressing this morning.  There could be another expense coming.  I'm not sure yet.  I went to feed the cats this morning & there was moisture on the floor.  It was coming from the freezer.  I'm not sure if the freezer's dead, dying, needs repairs or if I somehow left the door open.   I won't know for a bit.  I had to move everything in it, into the fridge freezers, barely fit.   I didn't need this, I just didn't.  


Saturday, March 16, 2019

Mid March...

Woke to just above freezing this morning.  Tonight & tomorrow night look to be the end of the overnights in the 30s.   Spring is definitely here, even if the solstice hasn't arrived.  I'm enjoying the earlier sunrises, waking is so much easier.

I'm still dealing with stiffness in my left side.  I'll see my doctor midweek & hopefully figure out something.  I'm not sure of how to handle this.

It's nice not to have anything to do today.  No trips planned.  No appointments to make.  I needed that this morning.


Friday, March 15, 2019

Not Much...

My roomie has headed out to see a friend for a while.  I'll go out later & pick her up.  This will be my 2nd solo drive since (of any distance) since I've got back from the hospital.  Most things have gone well so far.

I made an appointment for next Wednesday to talk to my doctor about so stiffness I've been experiencing on my left side. I have no idea of what to consider normal or an issue.  It's probably a good idea to find out.

It's a sunny morning, even if chilly.  The next few days will be back down in the 30s overnights.  The forecast doesn't show anything to cold, just enough to heaters a little while longer.

Take care & be well.


Thursday, March 14, 2019

Early Morning...

Another early morning.   We have to go shopping.  There's at least a lot of sunshine.   Better than yesterday. 

I've been dealing with stiffness on my left side.  I need to call in about it.  I'm not sure what it means or what they'll want to do.

More as I know it. Take care.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The 13th...

It'l be over a week long process before the car's issues will be completely resolved.  We have to wait for a  part, which won't be in until Monday.  Yay!  Hopefully that will end this.

It's already windy today & supposed to get worse.  Again, yay!   Articles are calling out Trump for his proposed budget for next year.  It would go completely against what he just said about his plans for HIV.  But, we all knew that was BS.

On the 13th of February, I went to the ER & wound up in an ICU in Tulsa via helicopter.   Not quite a full month, but close.  I'm still not back to what I was before the stroke.  I may never be.  My left side still has some sensation issues.  I'm  still getting weird bruising. (Which may have nothing to do with the stroke.)   My follow up MRI is set for the end of the month. I have an appointment with my primary in late April & in late May I see neuro.  Somewhere in there is a dental cleaning & I need to see the optometrist. That's a lot of medical visits.

That's all for now.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

More Rush...

Still in a rush over the car.  We want to see about something early.  It could save us some $.   More tomorrow.


Monday, March 11, 2019

Hurry & Tight...

We have to go shopping & I've been trying to figure somethings out this morning, so this will be brief.   The part we ordered for the car is supposed to be in, I called to make sure.  I made arrangements to drop the car off today, instead early tomorrow morning.   I'll do what I can to make this easier.  It's still going to cost us a lot.  But, it has to be done.  It's an old car we got for very little. So, mst of this expense was just maintenance, just this last part is an actual repair.  Still it bites.


Sunday, March 10, 2019

DST Is Here...

Daylight Saving Time is here.   I'm happy for more light, but not for losing some sleep.   My roomie has an age-old war with the concept of springing forward.  She's on better terms with the falling back.   There's a joke there, but I'll let it lie.

Spring allergies have been a beast.  I've been coughing  & sneezing like crazy.  Hot tea is my friend.  

Not much else to post about today.  Take care & be well.


Saturday, March 9, 2019

Voice Of Reason...

Often when we want something to happen or be true, we grasp at the implausible, impractical or even the undesirable.   Sometimes we even cling to the damaging & dangerous.  That may be the case with the current talk about a "cure" for HIV.  

This article takes a hard look at the realities of the alleged cure & it's costs vs benefit.  It doesn't deny the outcome.  It only questions whether or not it would be worth the risk to replicate.  It's a good article, give it a read.  This doesn't take away from the reality of the event, it just cautions us to realize this is far from a sure or safe thing.


Friday, March 8, 2019

More Car Demands...

Apparently the car also needs a shrink & a coat.  The car's computer is fritzing & the heater is wonked.  Funny how this all happened at the same time.  Except it's not funny at all.  It's just expensive & stressful.  Oh well, nothing to do but get it fixed.  We need the car running.

More tomorrow.  Hopefully, nothing more about the car's issues.


Thursday, March 7, 2019

Demanding Car...

My  roomie's car (she calls Blair) needed to be pampered.   It decided it needed a mani, pedi, moisturizing  & massage.  It needed 4 new tires, tie rods replaced, aligned & an oil change.   Pricey, but it's just maintenance.  We haven't had to do much to this car.  The shop we use, doesn't use cheap tires, so there's a bit more.  But, they've always been good about patching & checking on tires, even if they weren't theirs.  There's also a tire disposal charge.    Oh, the perks of having a car.


BTW, the tiny little blue flowers are back in the yard.  They were a good point in my day.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Memo Received Maybe...

I think the weather finally got the memo that Spring is nearly here & is already here as far as the meteorologists are concerned.   For them Spring starts the 1st of March & the equinox is only 2 weeks away.   So pack it up Winter, your time is up.  We'll still get so chilly weather & have overnights in the 30's.  But few, if any, should be below freezing.  I'm tired of hearing the taps drip all night.  

That's about it for now.  All the articles are about the "cured" man from London.   At least a lot of professional pieces are trying to calm the mess down & explain the reality of the situation.   Not that most will listen.   People will probably try to figure out how to need/get the same procedure (transplant) that allegedly cured these 2 men.

Take care.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Still Cold...

It's still cold.  Tonight may be the last night of the season  I have to leave the taps dripping & heaters on overnight.  After tonight, the lows should stay in the 40's.  Yay!

There's another reported "Cured" HIV patient in Britain.  It happened the same way as the 1st, a transplant.   I'm not going to spend much time on this.  I don't see this as a "cure" but as a very fortunate fluke for those 2 patients.  I'm happy for them,.  But, if this was easily, consistently repeatable, we'd already see it in major hospitals.  The 1st "cured" patient was 12 years ago.    It's great for these patients, it may open doors in research, but for now, it's not a cure. 

Tomorrow will be 3 weeks out from my stroke-bleed thing.  It's weird to know that, especially after Luke Perry died.  But his stroke was a different kind & far more extensive.   I need to call about my MRI appointment soon.   I have no idea the date yet.  My spring will consist of appointments & conversations with nurses, primary care givers, neurologists, HIV specialist, imaging professionals, dental staff & optometrists.  Yay me.  That was sort of sarcasm, but it could be worse. There could be no conversations at all.

Take care.


Monday, March 4, 2019

Seriously Chilly....

I hate cold weather, so waking up to temps in the teens is not my idea of a good morning.  It's taking forever for the house to warm up.  My fingers want nothing to do with typing this morning.    This is frigid & we have errands to run, oh joy.  This is all for now.  BTW, I've been on the statin for 3 nights now, so far no issues.   More tomorrow.


Sunday, March 3, 2019

Brr Again...

Winter isn't giving up just yet.  Tonight & tomorrow's overnight temps are supposed to be down in the teens.    It's drizzling & I'm pretty sure I saw some flakes in that mess.   I think they're gone for now.  We don't need snow.   This start-stop of seasonal change is really kicking my butt.   Just pick 1 & stick to it for a while.   I need a break from this crap.   Until tomorrow.


Saturday, March 2, 2019

Some More 1st...

There were some 1st yesterday.  It was the 1st of March, which btw turned cold.  It was day 1 of my new med.  So far, not much to say about that.  It was also 1st solo drive for any distance since the hospital.  It went well, but I admit, it left me a little tired.   That could've been due to the gloomy day.

So far, not much happening on the 2nd day of March.  I'll wrap this up for now.  More tomorrow.


Friday, March 1, 2019

Hello - Goodbye Again...

I should've done a farewell post  to February yesterday, so goodbye February.  You were a month of 1st for me & had some bad points, but they could've been a lot worse.  Until next year.  Let's not try for a repeat of the bad.

Hello March.  It's the 1st day of it.  I could use less drama please.  My insurance got drafted, I'm expecting a delivery & I got a new med.  I was supposed to start the new med yesterday, but I forgot.  It's at a weird time for me.  I'll get used to it. DST starts on the 10th. It'll give me some darker mornings for a bit, but the light will stay longer.  

That's about it for now.  Take care.
