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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Squawks Of Blue...

I woke to hopping, blue squawks this morning.   Jays were bopping about singing the "song" of their people.  Blue Jays don't sing, they don't caw, they squawk.  They're pretty, but  they're also loud, demanding birds.

Some famous people go out & make public showings of them getting tested for HIV.   They're trying to reduce stigma.   But there's a problem.   They're famous & would never face the same level of grief of someone not at their level of society.  There's no reason to believe they weren't already tested & know the outcome.  That's a bit disingenuous.   I could be wrong, the whole thing could be very candid.  But why would their publicist risk such an event, if it wasn't completely controlled?  

Prince Harry finding out he's HIV+ would be nothing like my neighbor finding out he was +.  The only thing they'd share was HIV, not the fall out of having the virus.  I get what they're trying to do & I appreciate it.   They might not be able to downplay stigma, but maybe they can push testing.


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